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Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business (以下Katz) はペンシルベニア州ピッツバーグ市に位置する長い伝統をもつビジネススクールで、創立1787年の全米屈指の伝統を持つ University of Pittsburgh のピッツバーグキャンパスに付属する大学院です。KatzはAACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) の創設メンバーの1つで、世界最古の1年制プログラムを持つ事としても歴史を有する学校です。

Full timeは1学年あたり約60名~70名というスモールスクールであると共に、非米国圏の留学生の割合が高いことも特徴です。1年プログラムと2年プログラムを含むFull time以外にも、Part time、Dual degree、Joint degree、Master of Scienceと多岐に渡るバックグラウンドの学生が集まるダイバーシティが大きな魅力の1つです。

ピッツバーグは、かつて鉄鋼の町として栄えた後に一時衰退しましたが、大学、医療、ITなどへの改革を機にV字的に成長を遂げたことで活気もあり、また、物価、治安、交通等の面でも住み良い町として、アメリカで最も住みやすい町ランキングで1位に輝くこともあります。(Pittsburgh Rankings)
Message from Director of Admissions

The Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh strives to be the leading destination for graduate business students from Japan and is actively recruiting outstanding Japanese applicants.


The rigorous academic programs at Katz are based upon four key principles:

  • Experience-based learning.  Students prepare for the day-to-day demands of business through Consulting Field Projects, fellowships, professional development training, internships and co-ops, and national case competitions.


  • Globalism. The Katz International Business Center provides access to an array of international business opportunities. Additionally, Katz offers a Global Management Certificate and Global Research Practicums.


  • Collaboration.  Additionally, at every stage, Katz students serve on cross-functional teams and complete group projects. Students also have opportunities for an abundance of cross-disciplinary collaboration.


  • Innovation. Our flexible framework enables students to load up on electives, and pursue interdisciplinary certificates and joint or dual degrees. Katz offers a certificate program in Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship that prepares students for product development, new venture initiation, and product commercialization, among other areas.

Pittsburgh’s industries ranks highly in manufacturing, health care, financial services, energy, and information technology and the city’s first rate cultural amenities and low cost of living have helped the city earn the title of America’s “most livable city” by Forbes, The Economist, and Places Rated Almanac.


In addition to an active alumni chapter in Japan, Katz’s worldwide network of 23,000 alumni is located in more than 90 countries.


Thank you for your interest in the Katz Graduate School of Business and we look forward to receiving your application!




Thomas Keller

Director of Admissions

Katz Graduate School of Business

University of Pittsburgh


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